PTC (Parent Teacher Club)

Constitution of the Chackbay Elementary PTC

REVISED 9/11/14

ARTICLE I. Name of the Club

Section 1: The name of the club is the Chackbay Elementary School Parent-Teacher Club.

ARTICLE II. Purpose of the Club:

Section 1: The purpose of this club is to promote understanding, good will and cooperation between the school and community.

Section 2: The club shall furnish volunteer workers for various school functions when needed.

Section 3: The club shall act in advisory capacity only in matters concerning school policy and personnel.

Section 4: The club shall not participate in any political activity.

Section 5: The club shall give financial assistance, if funds are available, to projects which improve and further the educational needs of the children at Chackbay Elementary School. All financial assistance will be governed by the procedures set forth in Article VI.

ARTICLE III. Membership

Section 1: The membership shall consist of dues paying family members of students attending Chackbay Elementary School.

Section 2: Faculty and Staff of Chackbay Elementary School will be members with all rights and privileges afforded general members of the club.

Section 3: Faculty and Staff of Chackbay Elementary School will be granted membership without payment of dues, in appreciation of their interest in the education of our children.

Section 4: A member in good standing shall be defined as a member who has paid his/her dues by October 31st of the current school year.

Section 5: Annual dues for membership in the club shall be $3.00 ($5.00 dues will enroll both parents.)

ARTICLE IV. Officers:

Section 1: The officers of the club shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Reporter, and a Treasurer.

Section 2: In order to be eligible for election to office, a person must be a member in good standing and must be the parent of a student currently enrolled at Chackbay Elementary School.

Section 3: All officers shall be elected in accordance with the procedures set forth in the by-laws, Item 5.

Section 4: No member shall remove himself/herself from the office without due notification to the club.

Section5: In case a vacancy should occur in any office other than President, the Executive Committee shall notify the membership that the vacancy exists, and the members shall be consulted regarding possible replacements. The Executive committee will present its list of nominees to the general membership for election of a replacement.

Section 6: Teachers will be allowed to hold office irrespective of Section 2.

ARTICLE V. Committees:

Section 1: Standing Committees

(a) Executive Committee:

  • Shall consists of the principal, as well as all elected officers of the club.
  • Shall be responsible for the daily operation of the club business.
  • Shall meet prior to each general meeting in order to prepare an agenda and arrange for guest speakers or other presentations of interest to the membership.

(b) Finance Committee:

  • Shall consist of the Principal, President, Treasurer, elected teacher's representative, and 2 elected general members.
  • Shall be responsible for authorizing and coordinating all fund-raising activities of the club.
  • Shall be responsible for authorizing all club expenditures involving amounts between $50.00 and $200.00.

ARTICLE VI. Club Finances

Section 1. Expenditures in the amount of $100.00 and less may be authorized by agreement of the Principal, President, and Treasurer.

Section 2. Expenditures in amounts between $100.01 and $400.00 will require approval of the Finance Committee.

Section 3. Expenditures in excess of $400.00 will require approval of a majority of members present at a general membership meeting.

ARTICLE VII. Meetings:

Section 1. The club shall hold three regular business meetings each school year.

Section 2. The first meeting of the school year shall be held early in the month of September.

Section 3. Special meeting may be called by the Executive Committee or upon written request of (5) general members in good standing.


Section 1. A quorum shall be defined as 5 general members, and one officer of the club.

Section 2. A quorum shall be required to be present for the conducting of any binding business.

ARTICLE IX. Obligations

Section 1. The club shall not obligate itself for more than it has funds currently in its treasury.

ARTICLE X. Amendments

Section 1. This constitution and/or its by-laws can be amended at any general membership meeting, provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the membership prior to the meeting.

Section 2. Ratification of amendments will require a ¾ majority vote of all members present

Section3. Upon ratification, the constitution, as amended will be placed in the club records indicating the date of the most recent amendment.

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